Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Year, New Blog

A little bit of background.
Landmark years in my life and what I remember most about them. If you want a much quicker read, just skip all of the rambling below, and scroll down to "The things that excite me" at the bottom of the post. It pretty well sums it up.

In 1985, I was born. Don't remember anything, obviously.

In 1990, we moved to the United States. I remember wanting nothing more than to be "an American girl", but am now so glad that my mother didn't let me forget Russian.

In 1994, my sister was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I just remember being sent to the school nurse because I was crying in class. When she asked why I was crying I told her my older sister was sick. I had no idea what thyroid cancer was. I told her my sister's throat hurt.

In 1999, I started high school. I went to the Liberal Arts Academy, a magnet program housed within the now closed-down Johnston High on the far East side of Austin. my freshman year, later transferring to a regular public school. I like to think that year taught me to think for myself, express myself creatively, accept people from all different walks of life as people just the same, and exposed me to an environment I would have not been exposed to otherwise - resulting in positive growth.

In 2002, I graduated high school a year early (took my only two classes left for Senior year that summer instead) and immediately started college at SouthWest Texas State (now Texas State University), running track for my mother who was, that year, promoted to Head Track and Field Coach.

In 2005, I graduated college a semester early, on December 17th. I took the Spring semester and Summer off, traveling to Russia.

In 2006, I found work at a "temp. agency" while I applied to "real jobs". I worked a month long temp position at a Republican non-profit. I learned that while I may be "fiscally conservative" and "lean to the right" on some issues, I am not a Republican. This year, I also returned to school - for my Masters.

In 2008, I officially graduated (I had completed coursework the previous semester but had some hours to log for my teaching cert.). The day of graduation was 08/08/08. This was also my wedding day. I walked down the aisle instead of across the stage. I still think my wedding was the best party I've ever been to.

 And then came the whirl wind... Sometime between 2007-2012 I...

took a full time job as a personal trainer and got promoted to a manager position
bought a house
got pregnant and had a baby
got pregnant and had another baby
got to see my husband who went back to school, graduate
started a business with my family.

The things that excited me five years ago: running a fast split at practice, cancelled class, floating down the San Marcos river with my friends, free shots at the bar....

The things that excite me now: remembering to bring my reusable grocery bags with me to the store, getting to Iggy before he takes off his poopy diaper, sleeping, and free shots at the bar (who am I kidding, that last one is even more exciting when your bar visitation occurs a handful of times in a year as opposed to in a week). 

Throughout it all, I have always been up for a challenge, I like to think I work better under pressure, I have struggled with trying to "do it all".

I value fitness and feeling healthy and strong, I value raising my children with lots of love, I value personal assurance and development, I value a spiritual connection for reflection and growth, I value a strong marriage and family environment and I try very hard (sometimes failing) to encompass each of these values in every day (too bad there's only 24 hours).

This blog is a creative outlet for a mommy trying to do it all. It's just a way for me to stay sane, and maybe for someone to get a chuckle or a lightbulb moment at my expense.

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