Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Diapers and gym clothes and lap tops, oh my!

It's past midnight and it is insane that I'm not asleep. Normally, we are a 'go to bed shortly after the kids do' type of family. But I can't sleep. Tomorrow (technically today, crap!) is Babygirl's first day at daycare and my first day back to work.

It shouldn't be that big of a deal for either of us. She has already been going to the childcare center at our gym for two hours at a time, most days a week. And I have also already been back to work for a while, just from home, and being productive only between feedings and diaper changes. Yet, here I am... worrying.

What am I worrying about? Not how she's going to do - she will do fine. I trust her daycare and caregivers. I am not even worried about the feeding/nursing and working situation - got it covered.
What I am terrified about is the inevitable - that no matter how many times I run through everything I need in my head I WILL forget something.

This picture is not a joke. These are the bags I have packed for tomorrow. I just realized "upgrading" to a Dodge Journey from my little Mercedes was a smart idea.

From left to right we have: Babygirl's bag for "school" (diapers, bedding, clothes), my breast pump backpack, the diaper bag filled with diaper essentials in size 2 AND 5, laptop, bag with paperwork and documents for work, gym bag, water bottle.

Don't mind the box on the far left. That is full of keepsakes, photos and scrapbooking materials. Scrapbooking, like blogging, is a hobby I have been "meaning to pick up".

Add to this a lunch bag full of snacks, my purse, and two kids with a car seat each... and picture me, if you will, loading this into the car at 7am so I can work out before our crazy day of firsts begins.

Fun times ahead. 

On a positive note, the remote control that my toddler flushed in the toilet yesterday is dry and fully operational once again.

I may be exhausted from going to bed late and having a long first day at work and daycare tomorrow, but at least when I come home I will get to watch the recorded hockey on our tv that Iggy won't let anyone change. "Hockey Stars, mommy. No football, Daddy. Hockeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy." 

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